Bullying Resources
from Connecticut's information line - 211
BULLYING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR and you don’t have to put up with it.
Teachers, parents and kids need to remember that Connecticut has a law that protects kids from being bullied at school. This law, Public Act 02-119, requires that each local and regional board of education develop a policy to address the existence of bullying in its schools. Each school’s policy must:
- Enable students to make anonymous reports about bullying to teachers and school administrators
- Enable parents or guardians of students to file written reports of suspected bullying
- Require teachers and other school staff who witness acts of bullying or receive student reports of bullying to notify school administrators
- Require school administrators to investigate any written or anonymous reports
- Include an intervention strategy for school staff to deal with bullying.
There are other requirements – to read about this law, go to: http://www.cga.ct.gov/2002/act/Pa/2002PA-00119-R00...
So, if bullying is making you feel uncomfortable at school, or if you witness bullies making another person’s school day difficult, report it to your parents, your teachers, your guidance counselors, or your principal. You can make this report anonymously, which means you don’t have to give your name when you report the behavior.